2022 土耳其光伏展 SOLAREX Istanbul
时间:2021-12-10 16:57:51浏览次数:

Solarex Istanbul 2022(图1)

14th International Solar Energy and Technologies Exhibition - SOLAREX

Solar Energy and Technologies Fair"Solarex Istanbul"is one of the main solar energy themed fair in Turkey.

Being a commercial platform where the latest technologies in the world in the field of solar energy and new products produced in Turkey are presented altogether, 

"International Solar Energy and Technologies Fair" has the characteristics of being an organization in which sector's leading firms and representatives meet.

The fair is comprised of various different activities, which visitors will participate in, as well as the symposiums and firm conferences. 

Sector's leading organizations is illuminating the sector with the seminars during the fair, where seminars are conducted especially in the field of financing, investment and production.


In the fair, where the total number of domestic and international participants was close to 300, nearly a thousand brands were represented was stated.


In addition to many professional visitors, CEOs, NGO representatives, academics, bureaucrats and procurement committees from around the world will attend the fair. 

At the fair, solar energy resources and solar energy markets will be evaluated with all their dimensions. 

In the fair, where the latest developments and applications will be discussed and discussed from many perspectives, an environment will be created where new products will be exhibited to professional visitors.


Solarex Istanbul Project Manager Yasemin Terle stated that it was understood from the online records that the number of visitors will increase at the same rate and stated that they expect a record participation in the number of visitors this year.


Purchasing delegations from the Middle East and MENA countries are in Istanbul.

It was stated that there was great interest in the fair, especially from the Middle East countries. 

It has been reported that high-level delegations from 20 countries, mainly from North African countries, as well as countries such as Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt, Macedonia, Tunisia, Serbia, and Morocco will visit the fair. 

It is expected that a business volume of millions of dollars will be reached with the purchasing committees that will come during the fair.

Exhibited products and services:

  • Photovoltaics

Cells, modules, Inverters, measurement and control technologies, chargers, batteries, cables, connectors, connection boxes, 

solar tracking systems, mounting systems, installation apparatus, building integrated solutions (BIPV), 

"Stand Alone" systems, solar power plants, energy storage systems,  consumer products assembled with sun, wafers, material and production equipment

  • Solar Heat Systems

Absorbers, coatings, collectors, connection pieces, expansion tanks, degasifier, heat transfer fluids, measurement and control technologies, 

mounting systems, storage tanks, production technologies and equipment, ventilation, refrigeration, 

building integrated solutions, heat treatment, solar thermal power plants

  • Other

Research and development, test institutes, sectoral press and other publishers, education, financing, organizations, foundations, consultants

Solarex Istanbul 2022(图2)